The Analects by Confucius

Updated 28-Jun-2024

This is the second volume in the Seven Classics on War and Politics

New Modern Edition

The Analects by Confucius - New Modern Edition
A new translation by Jeff Mcneill
Classics on War and Politics, Vol. 2
Copyright © 2018 by Classics Press LLC

Philosophy / Eastern
Religion / Confucianism
History / Asia / China

Ebook ISBN 978-1-938412-01-1
Print ISBN 978-1-938412-09-7
Audio ISBN 978-1-938412-40-0

Confucius was a legendary philosopher and theorist of government. Contemporaneous with Sun Tzu, he was active in the sixth and fifth centries, BCE.

Though he was largely ineffective during his own career, his approach to leadership as a highly conservative morality and study of the classics has influenced bureaucratic rule in China to this day.

The Analects, literally Edited Conversations, is a collection of aphorisms and brief conversations attributed to Confucius, but most likely not written during his lifetime.

It is difficult to overstate the importance and impact of Confucian philosophy on the political history of China over the past two millenia, and up until today.

The standard translations of this work are usually stuffed with additional commentary, and difficult to follow.

This new modern edition includes the clearest aphorisms and fragments, and a New Introductory Essay to Confucius' Analects.

Paperback, Ebook, Audiobook Availability

For Paperback and Ebook, The Analects by Confucius is available exclusively through Amazon and Kindle stores. We have not finalized an Audiobook distributor just yet.

Ebook Edition

Paperback Edition

  • Availability April 2019

Audiobook Edition

  • Availability April 2019

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